Polarization Mismatch

I was recently tasked with calculating the Polarization Loss Factor (PLF) for various radio transmit/receive pairs. Easier said than done!

A Prayer for the New Year

I’d like to share a prayer that I found online. It’s a new year’s resolution prayer card from the early 20th century, originally sourced from the Methodist bishop John H. Vincent. I recreated the card as a vector graphic:

Noise Generator 2 – Hardware Updates and Software Plans

It’s been a minute since my last post on this project. This doesn’t surprise me, as I often find myself very busy with everything else going on. In this time, I’ve rethought a couple of things on this project which I believe will make it both more portable and easier to maintain.

Calculus on the Atchafalaya

Noise Generator 1 – Audio Hardware and Spectrum Analysis

I like to sleep with white noise on in the background. I usually sleep with a small fan on, which provides sufficient noise and airflow. In the colder months, however, it becomes harder to justify blowing air around the room. Sometimes, I’ll turn the fan on and point it away from my bed, just so I can hear the noise. What I really need is a white noise generator.